New Jersey Antique Radio Club
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NJARC's eBook Library
Scans of old radio-related books

Here are some old radio-related books. Many of these are from the Prelinger Library at the Internet Archive. Copies are posted here for your convenience. 

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Telegraph   Television
Wireless & Radio   Phonograph
Telephone   Other
Radio Magazines

Not enough reading material here for you?  Try these sites:

American Radio History
(Probably the best source for radio-related books on the Internet today

Here's a  great site with lots more free radio-related eBooks
(Thanks to John Dilks for the head's up on this!)

Need Adobe Reader? Download it here for free!

Telegraph File Size Date
American Telegraph Practice; a complete technical course in modern telegraphy McNicol, Donald Monroe 75 MB 1913
American Telegraphy and Encyclopedia of the Telegraph Maver, William, Jr.
116 MB 1903
The Electric Telegraph Lardner, Dionysius 39 MB 1867
The Electric Telegraph Sabine, Robert 69 MB 1867
The Electric Telegraph Popularised... with 100 illustrations Lardner, Dionysius 25 MB 1859
History of the Atlantic Telegraph Field, Henry M. 29 MB 1867
Propagation of Electric Currents in Telephone & Telegraph Conductors Fleming, J. A. (John Ambrose), Sir 42 MB 1911

Wireless and Radio File Size Date
Notes on Servicing Radio and Sound Equipment United States Navy (link) 1942
The ABC of Vacuum Tubes in Radio Reception Lewis 14 MB 1922
The ABC of Wireless Telegraphy; a plain treatise on Hertzian wave signaling; embracing theory, methods of operation, and how to build various pieces of the apparatus employed Trevert, Edward 9 MB 1904
The Elementary Principles of Wireless Telegraphy Bangay, R. D.
16 MB 1914
The Elementary Principles of Wireless Telegraphy Bangay, Raymond Dorrington 15 MB c1918
Elements of radio telephony Ballard, William Cyrus, Jr
14 MB 1922
Experimental Wireless Stations: their theory, design, construction and operation including wireless telephony and quenched spark systems : a complete account of sharply tuned modern wireless installations for experimental purposes which comply with the new wireless law Edelman, Philip E. 30 MB 1915
Five of Maxwell's Papers Maxwell, James Clerk 102 KB 1856
A History of Wireless Telegraphy, 1838-1899: including some bare-wire proposals for subaqueous telegraphs Fahie, J. J. 36 MB 1899
How to Make a Wireless Set Moreton, David Penn 7 MB 1911
Modern Radio Tyler, Kingdon S. 38 MB c1944
The Oscillation Valve, the Elementary Principles of its Application to Wireless Telegraphy Bangay, Raymond Dorrington 19 MB 1919
Practical Wireless Telegraphy; a complete text book for students of radio communication Bucher, Elmer Eustice 54 MB c1917
Radio for All Gernsback, Hugo 25 MB 1922
A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism (Volume 1) Maxwell, James Clerk 52 MB 1873
A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism (Volume 2) Maxwell, James Clerk 46 MB 1881
The Life of James Clerk Maxwell : with a selection from his correspondence and occasional writings and a sketch of his contributions to science Campbell, Lewis 75 MB 1882
James Clerk Maxwell and Modern Physics Glazebrook, Richard, Sir, 15 MB 1896
A Modern Campaign; or, War and Wireless Telegraphy in the Far East Fraser, David
40 MB c1905
Ętheric or Wireless Telegraphy Blaine, Robert Gordon
20 MB 1905
Hertzian Wave Wireless Telegraphy Fleming, J. A. 19 MB 1905
Practical Uses of the Wave Meter in Wireless Telegraphy Mauborgne, Joseph Oswald 17 MB 1913
Principles of Wireless Telegraphy Pierce, George Washington 53 MB 1910
Radio: Beam and Broadcasts - Its Story and Patents Morse, A.H. 11 MB 1925
Radio-Telephone for Everyone; The Wireless: How to Construct and Maintain Modern Transmitting and Receiving Apparatus Cockaday, Laurence Marsham
23 MB c1922
Signalling Across Space Without Wires: being a description of the work of Hertz & his successors Lodge, Oliver, Sir 28 MB 1911
Vacuum Tubes in Wireless Communication, a practical text book for operators and experimenters Bucher, Elmer Eustice 38 MB c1919
A Treatise Upon Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony Hoppough, C. I.
33 MB c1912
The Wireless Operators' Pocketbook of Information and Diagrams Bishop, L. Wilbur 18 MB 1911
Wireless Possibilities Low, A. M 7 MB c1924
The Wireless Telegraphist's Pocket Book of Notes, Formulę, and Calculations Fleming, J. A. 22 MB 1915
Wireless Telegraphy Fortescue, Cecil Lewis 14 MB 1913
Wireless Telegraphy: its origins, development, inventions, and apparatus Sewall, Charles Henry 31 MB 1904
Wireless Telegraphy and Wireless Telephony - an Elementary Treatise Kennelly, Arthur E. 24 MB 1913
Wireless Telegraphy; Its History, Theory and Practice Collins, A. Frederick 57 MB c1905
Wireless Telegraphy and Wireless Telephony (Reprint of sections from practical physics) Millikan, Robert Andrews 2 MB 1922
Wireless telegraphy and wireless telephony: an understandable presentation of the science of wireless transmission of intelligence Ashley, Charles Grinnell
25 MB 1912
Wireless Telegraphy and High Frequency Electricity; a manual containing detailed information for the construction of transformers, wireless telegraph and high frequency apparatus, with chapters on their theory and operation Twining, Harry La Verne 19 MB c1909
Wireless Telegraphy Zenneck, Jonathan Adolf Wilhelm 70 MB 1915
Wireless Telegraphy Vol. I (Text book) Stanley,Rupert 47 MB 1919
Wireless Telegraphy and Hertzian Waves Bottone, Selimo Romeo 14 MB 1910
Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony Simply Explained Morgan, Alfred Powell 27 MB 1913
Wireless Telephones and How They Work Erskine-Murray, James 10 MB 1910
Wireless Telephony, in Theory and Practice Ruhmer, Ernst Walter 34 MB 1908
Wireless Transmission of Photographs Martin, Marcus J
18 MB 1916
Wireless Possibilities Low, A. M. 7 MB 1924
Wireless Telegraphy Eichhorn, Gustav 27 MB 1906
The Wireless Experimenters Manual Bucher 57 MB 1920
The Wonders of Wireless Telegraphy Explained in Simple Terms for the Non-Technical Reader Fleming, John Ambrose 26 MB 1914

Modern radio Tyler 37 MB 1944
Modern radio reception Leutz, Charles Roland 59 MB 1928
The Radio Amateur's Hand Book Collins, A. Frederick
Radio Telephony Goldsmith, Alfred Norton 38 MB c1918
Radio in Wartime Dryer, Sherman Harvard 39 MB c1942

Telephone File Size Date
The Telephone, the Microphone and the Phonograph Du Moncel, Th., comte  30 MB  1879 
Propagation of Electric Currents in Telephone & Telegraph Conductors Fleming, J. A. (John Ambrose), Sir 42 MB 1911

Television File Size Date
Vision by Radio Jenkins 15 MB 1925
ABC of Television (or Seeing by Radio) Yates 27 MB 1929
An Introduction to Television  Hylander 34 MB 1941
Electronic Television Eckhardt 122 MB 1936
Experimental Television; a series of simple experiments with television apparatus; also how to make a complete home television transmitter and television receiver  Collins 40 MB 1932
Here is Television: Your Window to the World Hutchinson 45 MB 1948
Movies for TV Battison 43 MB 1950
Oscillographs Irwin 4 MB 1925
Practical Television Larner 22 MB 1928
Telecasting and Color Tyler 28 MB 1946
Television - Writers' Program of the Work Projects Administration in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania WPA 6 MB 1942
Television Primer of Production and Direction Sposa 30 MB 1947
Television Standards and Practice; selected papers from the Proceedings of the National television system committee and its panels National Television System Committee  51 MB 1943
Television the Revolutionary Industry Lee 15 MB 1944
Television, its Methods and Uses Felix 30 MB 1931
Television, the Eyes of Tomorrow Eddy 59 MB 1945
Television ; a practical treatise on the principles upon which the development of television is based Hathaway 23 MB 1933
Television; present methods of picture transmission Sheldon 24 MB 1929
The Boyhood of an Inventor Jenkins 39 MB 1931
The Fundamentals of Television Bolan 35 MB 1950
The Miracle of Television Gable 22 MB 1949
The Outlook for Television Dunlap 39 MB 1932
The Story of Television, the life of Philo T. Farnsworth Everson 28 MB 1949
The Victory of Television Kerby 16 MB 1939
Understanding Television Dunlap 22 MB 1948

Phonograph File Size Date
The Telephone, the Mmicrophone and the Phonograph  Du Moncel, Th., comte 30 MB  1879 

Miscellaneous File Size Date
Experimental Researches in Electricity, Volume 1 Faraday, Michael 1.5 MB 1838
Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency Nikola Tesla 1 MB 1892
How to Signal to Mars: Wireless the Only Way Now, says Nicola Tesla - Mirror plan not practicable Nikola Tesla 1 MB 1909
Man of High Fidelity - Edwin Howard Armstrong Lessing, Lawrence 15 MB 1956
Edison and His Inventions  McClure, J. B 23 MB  1889 
Marconi - The Man and His Wireless Dunlap, Orrin Elmer 55 MB 1937
Manual of Electricity: including galvanism, magnetism, diamagnetism, electro-dynamics, magneto-electricity, and the eletric telegraph (Volume 12) (1859) Noad, Henry Minchin 121 MB 1859
Modern Views of Eectricity Lodge, Oliver, Sir 61 MB 1907
Electric Discharges,Waves And Impulses Charles Proteus Steinmetz
12 MB 1914
The Telegraph Boy Alger, Horatio 22 MB 1888
 ««« Juvenile Books" »»»           
The Radio Boys' First Wireless Chapman, Allen  260 KB 1922
Radio Boys Cronies unknown 219 KB unk.
The Radio Boys in the Thousand Islands Duffield, J. W. 274 KB 1922
The Radio Boys on the Mexican Border Breckenridge, Gerald 347 KB unk.
Tom Swift and His Wireless Message Appleton, Victor
Tom Swift and His Photo Telephone Appleton, Victor 248 KB unk.
The Wireless Station at Silver Fox Farm Otis, James 17 MB 1910
The Young Wireless Operator-As a Fire Patrol Theiss, Lewis E. 502 KB 1921
The Boy Inventors' Radio Telephone Bonner, Richard 313 KB

Radio Magazines File Size Date
American Radio History

The American Radio History website is a huge archive with thousands of radio-related books and magazines, including the entire print run of Radio News, Radio-Craft and others.  You could spend a lifetime or two reading everything here. 

Radio Broadcast (Courtesy of Microsoft)

Volume 1: May 1922 - Oct. 1922 Doubleday, Page & Company 74 MB 1922
Volume 2: Nov. 1922 - Apr. 1923 Doubleday, Page & Company 78 MB 1922
Volume 3May 1923 - Oct. 1923 Doubleday, Page & Company 80 MB 1923
Volume 4Nov. 1923 - Apr. 1924 Doubleday, Page & Company 77 MB 1923
Volume 5: May 1924 - Oct. 1924 Doubleday, Page & Company 78 MB 1924
Volume 6: Nov. 1924 - Apr. 1925 Doubleday, Page & Company 82 MB 1924
Volume 7: May 1925 - Oct. 1925 Doubleday, Page & Company 85 MB 1925
Volume 8Nov. 1925 - Apr. 1926 Doubleday, Page & Company 77 MB 1925
Volume 9: May 1926 - Oct. 1926 Doubleday, Page & Company 71 MB 1926
Volume 10Nov. 1926 - Apr. 1927 Doubleday, Page & Company 72 MB 1926
Volume 11:May 1927 - Oct. 1927 Doubleday, Page & Company 56 MB 1927
Volume 12: Nov. 1927 - Apr. 1928 Doubleday, Page & Company 56 MB 1927
Volume 13:May 1928 - Oct. 1928 Doubleday, Page & Company 53 MB 1928
Volume 14Nov. 1928 - Apr. 1929 Doubleday, Page & Company 54 MB 1928
Volume 15May 1929 - Oct. 1929 Doubleday, Page & Company 63 MB 1929
Volume 16Nov. 1929 - Apr. 1930 Doubleday, Page & Company 55 MB 1929

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